Thanks for visiting

This blog is created for friends and family to follow the journey of Jackson as he under goes surgery to correct his little heart. This site will be updated frequently over the next few months to make sure that loved ones are updated on Jackson's health and recovery. Please take time to read Jed and January's story as they go through this difficult season. Support our dear friends by leaving a comment of encouragement (at the bottom of each entry click on the word "comments"), passing on the blog to others, and praying daily for little Jackson's heart.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Surgery Update (4:00)

Praise our merciful God! Jackson's surgery went well. He has been moved to the ICU where he will be recovering for the next couple of days. I'll post more in a few hours, but the doctors are very pleased with the operation. He should be brought out of sedation sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I've been waiting and watching all day for this news! I'll keep praying for a speedy recovery!
Sarah Whitley

Anonymous said...

Praise God:) We are so thankful to hear your good news. We will be continuing to pray.
The Knudsens

Anonymous said...

This is a huge blessing. We will continue to pray.
The Smarts

Mike and Kim said...

We've been praying and anxiously awaiting the updates. Praise God for the success of the surgery and for a quick recovery. We are lifting you up and will continue.
Kim and Mike

Anonymous said...

As soon as I got home from work I went looking for news about Baby Jackson's surgery. He was in our prayers all day. Praise the Lord!
Gene and Sharon Krueger
(friends of Grandma and Grandpa Brauer)

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God. We were so happy to see the news that surgery went well. The congregation of Christ Lutheran will continue to pray for all of you.
Ellen and Pastor Leapaldt

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that things went well. What a wonderful picture of baby Jackson swimming! I am 4 miles from the hospital so if you need food, a place to sleep for a few hours, anything at all, please let me know. XOXO Sending prayers your way, Cousin Amie

SuzTyn said...

I am happy and relieved to hear that things went well with the day. You have all been on my heart and in my prayers. Keep your heads up... the Lord has given you the strength and courage to persevere through these hard times. Sending lots of love your way. ~Suzanne (and John)

Liza on Maui said...

Yey to God! Great to hear this. Prayed again.

Brian and Julia Davis said...

So overjoyed to hear that the surgery went well... thank you God!

Anonymous said...

keeping you all in my thoughts, so happy to get the updates and to know that he has made it through this first battle. Wishing him a speedy recovery!

jessica maneewan tou said...

i'm so glad!!! Praise God for the successful surgery and the journey He's brought your family through..

Anonymous said...

Lynn and I are were so relieved to hear that the surgery went so well. With all of the positive prayer, thoughts and wishes, and the skill of the medical staff watching over Jackson, we know that all will be well. We will keep praying for a speedy recovery so that your sweet Jackson can come home real soon.

Donna Bergmen said...

Great news! God is always good, He can be no other way, but He's especially good at times like these! We are keeping Jackson and all of you in our prayers!
Love, Clark and Donna Bergmen

Anonymous said...

so good to hear guys, we were praying for you

C.J. and Renee

g. ratt said...

jed ive been glued to the blog o sphere like the NFL draft! thanks for all the updates. It was so good to see you and January and Jackson. You are blessed.

Anonymous said...

sorry that last blog was from uncle d.bro

Anonymous said...

Glad that he's doing well. We were thinking and praying for him all day yesterday. WE continue to lift you up.

Emily Sanders said...

Jackson continues to be in our prayers. We praise God for his goodness.


Lori said...

I am so glad to hear things went well. Prayers from Mexico continue. Hugs and kisses for everyone!!!

Robyn Wood said...

I keep checking every few hours- please post another update! We loved you guys so much and are anxious to hear how Jackson is doing. We're praying!
Love, Robyn, Jeff and Sydney