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This blog is created for friends and family to follow the journey of Jackson as he under goes surgery to correct his little heart. This site will be updated frequently over the next few months to make sure that loved ones are updated on Jackson's health and recovery. Please take time to read Jed and January's story as they go through this difficult season. Support our dear friends by leaving a comment of encouragement (at the bottom of each entry click on the word "comments"), passing on the blog to others, and praying daily for little Jackson's heart.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Outpouring of Support

January and I have been so deeply touched by the prayers and support that so many of you have offered up for Jackson, January and I. Simply because of your overwhelming compassion, we probably will not have the chance to thank each of you who have called to leave voicemails, or left comments, or sent e-mails. With that said, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

We have had the honor of seeing so many people from so many different Christian traditions come to our aid in this time of need. It is amazing how brilliantly Christ is made manifest when we set aside our peripheral issues and stop contending with each other, and unite around a common cause, compelled by the deeper love of Christ Himself and contend for each other. I know that this has brought a great deal of healing for me personally, and January and I have felt an increasing measure of peace, even though the stress grows as we approach tomorrow.

Here's a brief list of items that you can be praying for:
1. Above all else that God's good will be done in Jackson's life as he grows and lives his life before Him.
2. That Jackson's surgery would go as planned as God endows Dr. Lamberti and his team with the fullest measures of skill and care, and that the procedure will go without complication
3. That post-op, Jackson would be protected from infection and clotting, and his heart would beat within normal thresholds (ie: correct rhythm, rate, etc.), and he would be free of excessive buildup of fluid in his chest as he recovers.
4. That God would be giving us peace and confidence in His love as we face the stresses of tomorrow and in the coming days.

If you think of other things to be praying for, by all means pray. Pray as Christ would, pray for the things that Christ values remembering His promise:

If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it - John 14:14


littlemissmk said...

jed and january- we have been so moved by your faith and devotion to Christ. we love you both so much and adore baby jackson. he is truly a gift. we are praying... kelley, alton, and macy

anjuli paschall said...

I am just getting ready to leave for the hospital and it is hrad to believe this day is already here. I am holding you close in prayer. I know you are already there and starting the process. my love to you and little jack. be with you soon.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you this moment at 7:00

~Julia (Elliott) Davis

Anonymous said...

jed & january...You are already at the hosital as I type are and have been in my prayers and I love your little family dearly...g'ma carolynn

j and w maertz said...

sending prayer and comfort from far away. we just prayed that god would be very close and present with you this morning.

Anonymous said...

Jed, January, and Baby Jackson- just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you today, and we know that everything is going to go perfectly!

The Cartys

Kathy said...

We have been praying and will continue to pray for you and your precious Jackson. God can do more than we can ask or imagine.
Kathy Pearsey