Thanks for visiting

This blog is created for friends and family to follow the journey of Jackson as he under goes surgery to correct his little heart. This site will be updated frequently over the next few months to make sure that loved ones are updated on Jackson's health and recovery. Please take time to read Jed and January's story as they go through this difficult season. Support our dear friends by leaving a comment of encouragement (at the bottom of each entry click on the word "comments"), passing on the blog to others, and praying daily for little Jackson's heart.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Surgery Update (11:30)

Jed, January, Bill (January's dad), and Jackson arrived at the hospital at 6:00am. Jackson was wide eyed and as happy as ever. Jed and January spent sometime with the surgeon and the prep work began. Near 8:00am January and Jed held Jackson closely... then with great courage and tears entrusted baby Jackson into the arms of the medical team and into the hands of Jesus. We just received an update from the nurses and everything is going just like it is supposed to. The team is currently working on patching up the hole in Jackson's heart and he is on the heart and lung machine. People have been coming and going at the hospital and we are doing our best to hold each other well. Jed and January are so thankful for your prayers... and ask for continued prayer over the next few hours. Updates will come throughout the day. With love.


Hannah said...
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mikey mike said...

Jed, January, and Jackson,
Been thinking and praying for you guys all day. God Bless ya little Jack!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is going well. Praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...


You are in my prayers today. We send you the best wishes.

Matt Smart

Krissa said...

Praying for you all now at this moment and throughout today, and the days to come during Jackson's recovery.

Anonymous said...

Jed, January, and Family,
We just heard about your sweet son last week and have been thinking about and praying for you since then. I just checked in for an update and saw this most recent post... that things are going well. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about the things you have faced already and what you are waiting through today. Praise God for His faithfulness and the strength that only He can give. For some reason I was awake ALOT last night, and I took it as a reminder and opportunity to pray for you. Still praying today.

Hannah (and David Wojnicki)