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This blog is created for friends and family to follow the journey of Jackson as he under goes surgery to correct his little heart. This site will be updated frequently over the next few months to make sure that loved ones are updated on Jackson's health and recovery. Please take time to read Jed and January's story as they go through this difficult season. Support our dear friends by leaving a comment of encouragement (at the bottom of each entry click on the word "comments"), passing on the blog to others, and praying daily for little Jackson's heart.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Heart Day

This morning seemed no different than any other. Getting out of bed was its usual chore and the cobwebs lingered longer than I like. Jackson is up watching Sesame Street prolonging his ravenous captivation with all things Elmo. But, this ordinary morning is different, this ordinary morning is an occasion worth celebrating, worthy of nothing less than doxology.

A year ago this morning Jackson underwent open heart surgery. A year ago January and I felt in some small measure what Abraham did in offering up Isaac when we ascended our own Mount Moriah and surrendered our son into the hands of God with no knowledge of the outcome. And there, in those dark hours, God worked through the doctor's skillful hands to restore health to Jackson's heart, and today we can celebrate an ordinary morning with our son.

Psalm 23 comes to mind as January, Jackson, and I journey through mortality's dark shadow; the shadows that death's terrifying mountains cast signify something truly wonderful - beyond the shadows the light still shines. There is a light that no trial, no pain, no fear of death can dim. Even if we can barely see or feel its warmth, sometimes the light breaks through the darkness and reminds us that God's blessings abound despite the shadows.

Today is a day of giving thanks and praise to God for our son and for his, who he did not spare on Moriah that we could know his immeasurable love and the warmth of his blessings.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!


Denise Nordquist said...

Very neat and inspiring entry. Thanks.

anjuli paschall said...

we love you jackson and we are so happy your heart is healthy. thank you Jesus.